Monday, August 4, 2008

About acne treatments and homemade medicine on how to rid of acne

Another natural and very effective technique you can do is to get a massage. A massage is not only great for relaxing, it also helps detox the body by stimulating the lymph glands. If you cannot afford the expense or luxury of a massage, you can also try taking a warm bath with lavender or chamomile essential oil and Epsom salts. Epsom salts contain magnesium which helps relax the muscles and the nervous system while chamomile or lavender calm the mind. Another natural and very effective technique and also a favorite of mine which I do at the end of each day, is to have a cup of soothing and calming chamomile tea.
This condition can also be cause by stress. The presence and persistence of stress an cause an outbreak. Acne caused by stress usually goes away when the stress is relieved. Genes also play a role in having this condition. If ones parents suffered or are currently suffering from this condition, then chances are that their offspring might have to deal with the same condition.
Buy good vitamin E capsules, and good aloe Vera gel (if you can find a good piece of the aloe Vera plant, even better to extract the gel) and honey. The sugar in the honey has miraculous skin healing properties. Mix 1-2 capsules with the aloe Vera and about 1 teaspoon honey, and make a mask. Leave it on for 20 minutes while watching tv or relaxing in bed, then wash off with a good soap for the face like Aveeno Bar or any soap with vitamin E. Do this at least once a day. Very old or deep scars might not completely heal, but you should see an improvement overall.
tags: apple cider vinegar for acne redness, acne treatment skin care, acne clearing belly pregnancy

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