Monday, August 4, 2008

Homemade instant cure for pimples and acne and acne scar treatment and healing plants

Baby Acne is not an allergic reaction to anything. It usually presents itself a week or so after the baby is born. They are are usually not something to be worried about and they last for a few weeks. If you however suspect otherwise, simply see your doctor and he/she would simply look at your child to determine if the condition is an allergy issue of baby Acne. It doesn't require any complicated procedure, like taking blood samples or any other samples for that matter. Baby Acne is very distinctive. If it turns out to be baby Acne, just relax as it would simply disappear within a few weeks.
Do you notice that you have more acne after getting upset over something? Do you get more acne breakouts after a stressful day at work? For years dermatologists have debated about whether there is a connection between acne and stress. What role, if any, does stress play in your acne outbreaks?
There are specialized acne skin care products available over-the-counter, they do not require the need of a prescription. Skin care products have been formulated to extract the excess oil that bacteria need to promote the development of acne. These products have benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid as ingredients which the bacterium reacts badly too.
tags: tretinoin cream acne, acne products, drink water to reduce acne

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