Monday, August 4, 2008

Free coupons for acne free and what can i do about acne

Kitchen and acne are two enemies we may not be aware of. Scout your kitchen for stuff like oranges and lemons, fresh garlic and raw potatoes.
Greasy foods cause the skin to "sweat" oil. If you think about it, this isn't much of a problem, unless you're an acne sufferer. When grease mixes with dead skin cells, a very sticky substance is formed. This leads to the formation of a clogged pore. Once bacteria infect the clogged pore and multiply, your acne will become visible.
Perhaps it is important to first investigate what causes the acne scars in the first place, to better understand why scars happen, and thus, leading us to a path of prevention. An acne scar, just as any other scar, is caused because injury from the tissues in the skin. They are caused by the body becoming inflamed as a response to sebum, bacteria in the pores, and dead skin cells. They get trapped inside of the sebaceous follicles and become inflamed here. When a pimple is popped, the body sends white blood cells to the area to repair the skin. One of the things the white blood cells bring with them is inflammatory molecules, which help to fight off an infection. However, this can lead to scarring. This occurs more in people who are prone to scarring. Acne is more likely to occur from a different form of acne however, the source is caused from nodulocystic acne. This type occurs deep inside of the skin, causing severe inflammation. Knowing this about the scarring helps to prevent it from occurring. However, if you already suffer from this condition, then it is important to help prevent further scarring while treating the current problem.
tags: acne and scarring treatments for black skin, herbs to control acne, salicilic acne soap

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