Monday, August 4, 2008

How to prevent and quickly clear up acne and acne laser treatment care dry skin

Acne scar treatment can be done using the fresh juice from lemon. Lemon is natural bleach that effectively works on the skin. This is best for slight skin discolorations brought about by acne scars or by the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun. Although lemon juice may not completely clear your skin from acne scars, it may, however, improve the appearance of your skin as well as the scars. Since lemon juice is acidic and may dry up your skin after prolong use, try to combine it with fresh milk to have that added natural skin moisturizer. This would leave you with a soft and supple skin and clearer skin as well.
Tazarotene- it is a type of designer retinoid and a part of vitamin A family as like other members of vitamin A family this is also called retinoid. It is an approved treatment from the Health Canada. To use this for the treatment of acne you should apply a small quantity to the entire face but avoid the areas that can cause irritation as eyes and nose. Wash the face after 30 minutes and it will provide the relief from the irritation that is caused by the acne and other skin problems.
Topical Acne Products
tags: home remedies for removing dark spots from acne, home remedy emergency acne care, natural treatment for acne

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